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This insurance product is for drivers who do not want to pay the full insurance premium and want to get casco policy at a relatively low price. By paying 50% of the insurance premium, the insured gets the whole coverage. The remaining 50% of the premium will be paid only in case of insurance accident.

Tariff schedule for insurance of vehicles owned by individuals

For vehicles with sum insured between 85 000 AZN – 150 000 AZN

Production year Deductible 2 Standard coverage Coverage with official service
Official service (2020 - 2025)
Standard coverage (2017 - 2025)
100 1,95% 2,2%
250 1,85% 2,09%
500 1,75% 2,0%

Tariff schedule for insurance of vehicles owned by individuals

For vehicles with sum insured between 85 000 AZN – 150 000 AZN

Production year Deductible 2 Standard coverage service
Standard coverage (2010 - 2016) 100 2.15%
250 2.05%
500 1,93%

Tariff schedule for insurance of vehicles owned by individuals

For vehicles with sum insured less than 85 000 AZN

Production year Deductible 2 Standard coverage Coverage with official service
Official service (2020 - 2025)
Standard coverage (2017 - 2025)
100 1,8% 2%
250 1,71% 1,9%
500 1,6% 1,79%

Tariff schedule for insurance of vehicles owned by individuals

For vehicles with sum insured less than 85 000 AZN

Production year Deductible 2 Standard coverage
Standard coverage (2010 - 2016) 100 2.05%
250 1.95%
500 1,83%

This tariff schedule is applied to vehicles insured for the first time. It’s not applicable to renewed contracts.
This tariff schedule can be used only for cars with body type sedan, universal and hatchback.

Deductible in the amount of AZN 1,000.00 will be applied to drivers under 22 and / or with driving experience less than 1 year.

Minimal insurance premium is 250 AZN.
Insurance coverage as per the terms of the present tariff schedule covers only the territory of Azerbaijan Republic.

For insuring the vehicles mentioned below underwriters must be applied:
  • Vehicles with body type coupe, cabriolet
  • Vehicles belonging to “Sportcar” class
  • Any exotic, exclusively manufactured cars that do not have an official service and sales center in Azerbaijan
  • Cars with non-traditional colors (matte colors, chameleon and pictorial colors and etc.)
  • Cars with more than 10 cylinders
  • Any tuned vehicles
Also the following mark and models:
  • BMW – M series
  • Volkswagen – R line series
  • Mercedes Benz – Brabus tuning
  • Rolls Royce, Aston Martin, Pontiac, Citroen, Bentley, Maseratti, Alfa Romeo, Saab
  • Note: If the official service for Mercedes Benz, BMW and Porsche is selected, 0.1 unit will be added to the tariff rate indicated in the relevant table.

Note 1: If the official service for Mercedes Benz, BMW and Porsche is selected, 0.1 unit will be added to the tariff rate indicated in the relevant table.
Note 2: Vehicles owned by persons under the age of 22 and/or with less than 1 year of driving experience, who are insured or acting as the insured, cannot be insured according to this tariff schedule. Underwriters must be contacted for insuring vehicles belonging to persons who are under 22 years of age and/or have less than 1 year of driving experience, who are acting as the insured or the insured.

Personal accident insurance for drivers and passengers taking into account all seats
Sum insured per seat (AZN) Maximum medical expenses per seat (AZN) Insurance premium for one seat (AZN)
2500 50 4
5000 100 8
10 000 200 15
Personal accident insurance for drivers and passengers
Only taking into account the driver's seat
Sum insured per seat (AZN) Maximum medical expenses per seat (AZN) Insurance premium for one seat (AZN)
2500 50 8
5000 100 15
10 000 200 30

Third party liability insurance
Liability limit (AZN) Insurance premium (AZN)
2500 19
5000 28
10 000 42
20 000 56
30 000 75
40 000 94
50 000 113
100 000 160
Unconditional deductible: in the amount of the limit determined by the compulsory third party liability insurance of motor vehicle owners.